Our resolute team can solve your most difficult challenges.

With decades of experience in the agriculture industry, our team thrives on solving complex problems and is committed to excellence in all that we do. We’re accessible collaborators driven by an insatiable curiosity for the technical aspects of controlled environment horticulture. Ultimately, our team wants to be part of yours.

Kurt Parbst, MS.

Kurt Parbst, MS.


I grew up with a deep curiosity about how things worked, and this led me to engineering. I have always been fascinated with the complexity of agriculture and the vast array of knowledge and critical tools required to grow a farmer’s efforts into marketable produce.

Biological and Agricultural Engineering attracted my attention for its mission of producing food, fiber and energy for an expanding planet utilizing ever few resources. I apply my curiosity to solving problems in this life-sustaining field, which seems a worthy calling.

We’re here to help those hard-working CEA optimists be more productive with less effort. Working in complex environments can be unforgiving. It is very satisfying to give growers the right help when they need it.

Nicholas Clover, PE.

Nicholas Clover, PE.

Vice President

I began my career researching and developing ultra-low emission combustion systems. I learned quickly that energy is life and that we must use our limited resources as efficiently and responsibly as possible. Combustion is fun, but it wasn’t my true passion–plants were. This curiosity and love was cultivated at an early age while playing in the dirt on grandpa’s farm.

I pride myself on being a relentless problem solver who is always seeking a new challenge, and I found myself being drawn to the world of controlled environment agriculture. Over the last 15 years I have served growers in all aspects of water system design, including fertigation, filtration and effective treatments against water-borne pathogens.

Rob Bondi

Rob Bondi

Service Engineer

As a kid, I loved disassembling appliances to understand their mechanisms. Fortunately for my family, I’ve learned to reassemble and even fix them! Most of my engineering career has been hands on and in the field. Manufacturing, recycling, and CEA have all affirmed my passion for integrating equipment & control systems.

At Borlaug, I continue to work with my hands as it influences & improves the systems we provide. My goal is to deliver the highest quality service & products to our clients, so that they can more effectively grow their work.