Various Caribbean Projects

High quality, nutritious, and affordable food is in demand in most every Caribbean nation.  The challenges are dealing with consistently high levels of solar radiation and humidity while being able to withstand seasonal storms.  Borlaug has been active in many of the islands deploying climate control and fertigation systems as well as training a developing local workforce.

Services Used

Crop Climate Systems

Crop Climate Systems

Plants thrive when ranges of conditions promote photosynthesis while being hostile to ever-present pathogens. We can help you walk this fine line.

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Water Systems

Water Systems

Water is the simple, wonder molecule that makes our planet habitable. We make sure the water that cycles through your farm is of the correct quantity and quality.

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Careful planning prior to construction is an essential first step in the development of a successful, profitable horticulture production system. It all begins with the site and location factors.

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